Chiropractic Treatments

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, you might not know what to expect from chiropractic providers or even what a chiropractic adjustment for back pain and a car accident injury is. At Kaneohe Family Chiropractic in Kaneohe, we’re happy to go back to the basics and explain what chiropractic treatments can look like. Although this list isn’t exhaustive, it includes the common treatments you will find in most offices like ours.


Types of Chiropractic Treatments

Depending on what brings you to a chiropractor, you may find that we recommend different types of treatments. If you come to our office to work on multiple problems, we may suggest different treatments for different issues. For example, if you were recently in a car accident and suffered a car accident injury, we may suggest treatments that target that issue while also asking about your general lifestyle to make recommendations for improving your health as a whole.

A common chiropractic treatment that we use is called “spinal adjustment.” In this treatment, we’ll gently manipulate the spine to get it into the optimal position for well-being and relieve pain. We may also use massage therapy to target tense areas. Additionally, we can instruct our clients on how to perform certain exercises or self-massage techniques that they can do at home outside of our office. Then, when they come back to our office, we can ask about how the exercises have been helping and make adjustments to the routine as needed.

How Chiropractic Treatments Can Help

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, you might not know about the “hype” surrounding chiropractic care. While our treatments might not improve symptoms immediately, many of our clients walk away from a chiropractic adjustment with less back pain than they had before or improved sensation after a car accident injury.

Lifestyle coaching can give you the tools and accountability you need to revamp your life to live a longer, healthier one. Chiropractic treatments can give you hope when you feel hopeless. They can also lower your pain. What’s more, they can improve your quality of life in unexpected ways.

Contact Kaneohe Family Chiropractic in Kaneohe, HI

To find a chiropractor near you, call our practice today. Whether you want to schedule an initial appointment or restart care, we want to help at Kaneohe Family Chiropractic in Kaneohe, HI.

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